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 OC3 Service Experts

Written by: Patrick Oborn - Sep 19, 2024

An OC3 line is an ultra high-speed connection capable of transmitting data at rates up to 155 Mbps. Some ISP's, large corporations and universities with high-volume network traffic will require an OC3 if they have an extremely high volume of traffic that can't be handled by a DS3. An OC3 is so large that some ISP's use this as the backbone to their network. If you believe you're in the market for OC3 Service we recommend getting hold of an expert.

While you may be an expert when it comes to network connections and data applications you will still want to have an expert by your side when it comes to pricing and negotiating for connections. The expert to whom we refer is a broker or independent agent. In addition to being knowledgeable of the technology a brokers expertise lies in his or her knowledge of carriers, their networks, their strengths and weaknesses and also in their relationship with sales managers and VP's at the companies. This means a better deal for you!

There is an opportunity to achieve significant cost reductions in your oc3 service. The key is using an expert broker. Brokers don't charge fees to the end user and they don't mark up the priceof the service. They are paid by the company which you sign with at the end. As the carrier doesn't have to pay an inside sales rep for the sale, they compensate the broker instead and maintain the same margin as though you went direct. Another advantage of the agent is the fact that he is paid on a residual basis. This means that he or she is interested in the longevity of your account and the level of your service.